triviality|trivialities in English


[triv·i·al·i·ty || ‚trɪvɪ'ælətɪ]

thing or topic lacking importance, something that is insignificant

Use "triviality|trivialities" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "triviality|trivialities" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "triviality|trivialities", or refer to the context using the word "triviality|trivialities" in the English Dictionary.

1. She was twittering about domestic trivialities.

2. The second lesson is about triviality.

3. He accused me of making a great fuss about trivialities.

4. The triviality of my memory.

5. His speech was one of great triviality.

6. Books are a triviality . Life alone is great.

7. Enough. You prattle on like a child reciting bits of meaningless trivialities.

8. Your work is just going to be mundane triviality.

9. The condition or quality of being Banal; triviality

10. The application was rejected on the grounds of triviality.

11. Banality: The condition or quality of being banal; triviality

12. Lou prattled on about various trivialities till I wanted to scream.

13. 26 synonyms for Banality: unoriginality, predictability, dullness, ordinariness, triviality, staleness

14. Buoying micrography grutten brailler Minimite Affrap triviality plastinoid ectocinerea quaily

15. He was surprised by the triviality of her anxieties.

16. In such ways, fashion and triviality can go hand in hand.

17. The prison sentence seemed rather harsh, considering the triviality of the offence.

18. She would infect even the trivialities of conversation with the vileness of her thought.

19. 13 The reader is subjected to an intensely self-absorbed analysis of countless trivialities.

20. He was going to expose their triviality once and for all.

21. What does Banality mean? The condition or quality of being banal; triviality

22. There are some who look down on middle brow interests as triviality.

23. She wondered how a man like Mr. Casaubon would support such triviality.

24. That's because it involves so much triviality and responsibility, even troubles.

25. 9 She would infect even the trivialities of conversation with the vileness of her thought.